Tag Archive: death

Why Do “Bad Guys” only have Consequences?

Why is it that when a US soldier gets killed, his parents or his friends get mad at the country the US is fighting, and its soldiers, rather than be frustrated with their son for choosing to fight in a war where death is a very real consequence, or the government who got themselves in a war to begin with and hence needed people to go shoot guns and missles at other people who also have guns and missles and who will be presumably shooting those things back.

Defining Rape

Today’s world of laws, of gender equality, of totalitarian government, of the mindless masses, begs for a deep defining of terms, of words, or expression, of communication, and even a basic walk-through of… Continue reading

veterans day. A Celebration of Mindlessness.

I had no clue heroes were people who flew to others peoples countries and killed them because they had rulers that didn’t agree with america’s rulers. Sounds like heroes are big bullies to… Continue reading

Frederick Douglass’ Idea of the 4th of July

Read what this man, who knew chains and bondage so well, thought of amerikka’s nationalistic worship of its “independence.” Is there a black man, a nigger, who lives in amerika today, who recited… Continue reading

Understanding who we are? A Man’s Exploration of the Universe within. (Part 2)

The Hands on the clock tick, and each day the thoughts, the substance of who you are never flourishes, because the seed is incapable of growth: There is nowhere for the roots to… Continue reading

Liberty Misunderstood: Principles Over Personalities

Recently I had a very good friend-whom is trying his hardest to grasp this concept of Liberty in an unfree world–try and explain some of his thoughts. Now mind you, we are each… Continue reading

Who are the Real Cowards and Terrorists? Understanding Definitions of Terror.

Recently, in the aftermath of the disarray that is now Boston, Fascistschusetts, I have begun to hear the word “coward,” when politicians, news media, and the mass sheep refer to defining “terrorists.” Barracks… Continue reading

Unlocking the Mysteries of Self

keys open locks but only if you have the right key for the right lock. but what is behind the door you are about to open? could there be a right key and… Continue reading