Category Archive: dissaray

Ketogenics: Doing Life the Right Way

For me, the biggest lie that got my thinking all tweaked out was the lies of money, how the banking system works, and its fraudulent cartel. From there more and more question and answer sessions have occurred on an hourly basis, as well as the seeking of a philosophical system for myself that derives its power from responsibility, clean living, a dedication to truth, and the unmasking and calling out of all those fakes, frauds, and bodysnatchers that take pleasure in bringing down those of us who understand choice.

Why Do “Bad Guys” only have Consequences?

Why is it that when a US soldier gets killed, his parents or his friends get mad at the country the US is fighting, and its soldiers, rather than be frustrated with their son for choosing to fight in a war where death is a very real consequence, or the government who got themselves in a war to begin with and hence needed people to go shoot guns and missles at other people who also have guns and missles and who will be presumably shooting those things back.

Opting out of Taxes: Quit Enslaving Your Self

Today I finally realized a great truth. I had recently joined a specialized gym where I belong, that was neither crossfit, strength training or just one of those treadmill factories for fatties that… Continue reading

The Non-Aggression Principle, and the Questions that follow…

When it comes to those who profess to grasp the NAP, I must say that there are few if any who really understand the philosophy behind it. Most always forget that it does… Continue reading

Gary North and his connection to contradictory thinking.

Gary North is a genius. Let me get that out of the way right off. His work on libertarian capitalistic economic theory is top notch. I read him whenever I get the chance.… Continue reading

Authority (Reposted from Issue No.6 of Liberty Magazine Oct. 15, 1881)

Every Issue of anarchist Benjamin Tucker’s journal Liberty magazine, spanning the years 1881-1908 can be found @ Each issue is only four pages long, but the insights and relevance of the coercive dominance… Continue reading

Deconstructing Meaning

In this world, meaning hides all over, but for us humans, meaning is found solely in our language. We cannot think without language. We cannot see without language, in the respect that we… Continue reading

Abortion, Life, Meaning, and Freedom. An Individualist’s Perspective.

This world and how people have sought to define the hierarchy of life, and whose rules matter most, has always thrilled me when the arguments come about on the subject of abortion. The… Continue reading

How children are Murdered every day. An Atrocity.

Everyone believes him or herself to be something he or she is not. Inflation is everywhere, and it not only matters to money, but also to the masses’ self perceptions! When people look… Continue reading

Defining Rape

Today’s world of laws, of gender equality, of totalitarian government, of the mindless masses, begs for a deep defining of terms, of words, or expression, of communication, and even a basic walk-through of… Continue reading